Jaejoon Jang

Visual Artist (South Korea, 1990)

Lives and Works in Baltimore, MD and NYC





I explore collective references and challenge conceptual understanding. My work is simple, intuitive, and light, but still humorous and poetic.

Using the ready-made(found object) is a similar transition of what we can see in writing a poem. I am interested in the fact that the different kinds of experiences people have in life and therefore attribute to objects. To me, the ready-made with connotations and narratives is very inspiring.

With my careful and deliberate use of everyday materials, I transform familiar objects into sources of surprise and humor. These interventions can be so subtle that the artist’s gesture can hardly be detected, but, upon contemplation, each object can be found to isolate its own moment in which a small experience, phenomenon or reflection occurs. Socio-political, philosophical, and scientific associations abound through the open metaphors and potential narratives created by my light, witty touch.

작가는 Ready-made(found object)를 주로 사용하여 작업하는 것은 시를 쓰는것과 비슷하다고 말한다. 작가에게 있어 object에 함축되어 있는 이야기와 비유는(그것이 개인적이거 사회적이거나 정치적이거나 과확적이거나 철학적이거나) 그의 작업에 큰 영감이 된다. 작가는 사람들이 겪어온 여러가지 경험과 사고들이 물체(object/material)에 반영되는 것에 관심이 있다. 작가는 주변에서 흔히 볼수 있는 물체(object/material)들을 변형하여 배치한다. 때때로 그 변화들은 매우 미묘하여서 관객들은 인식하거나 발견하기 힘들 때도 있다.